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Image by Gabe Pierce

Parent Responsibilities

Here is a summary of your responsibilities as a parent of a child attending Inglemoor Cooperative Preschool:

  • Attend and participate in the classroom one day per week per class, or find a qualified substitute.

  • Attend monthly Parent Meeting, usually the second Thursday of the month, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. We begin with class meetings and then having a parent education speaker for the whole school.

  • Participate in one group cleaning of the classroom per a year. (We hire weekly cleaners during the school year)

  • Participate in one outdoor cleaning per a year.

  • Hold a supplemental classroom job, which generally requires 2 hours of commitment per a month. Some jobs require more time and/or commitment. The time may be spread out during the year or all done within a few weeks to month depending on the job assignment. Sample jobs include: board positions (elected annually); playdough maker; toy washer; buyer; crown sewer or decorator.

  • Provide healthy snacks for the children on a rotating basis.

  • Participate in fundraising or pay the fundraising minimum. No fundraising minimum for 2020-2021 school year.

  • In the 3/4 and Pre-K Classes, lead a small group activity on a rotating basis.

  • Pay monthly tuition on time.

  • Attend excursions on your workday. (Pre-K and 3/4 classes have monthly excursions, the 2/3 class has 3 excursions per a year, and the toddler class has 2 excursions per a year.) No excursions for the 2020-2021 school year.

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