Denise Thorpe Ghilarducci
Our wonderful Teacher Denise Thorpe Ghilarducci says, "I was exploring preschools for our two-year-old son, while pregnant with our third child (due in September) while toting along our one-year-old daughter. I had heard about cooperative preschools from some friends and I visited Inglemoor Cooperative Preschool (ICP). I remember calling my husband from the car after the visit and telling him we needed to enroll in this school. We would have three kids three and under by the beginning of the school year. It seemed crazy to make this commitment to working in the classroom with all we had going on, but after visiting ICP, I knew it was the program I wanted our family to be a part of and, happily, my husband agreed.
I loved all five of the years I spent as a parent at ICP. I loved the community and friends I made. I still get together with many of those ICP friends on a regular basis and love it when I run into old ICP friends at community events. I loved getting to know the kids in the class and being a part of their educational experience. Working in the classroom and being on the ICP board led me to get involved in the activities and organizations our children have been in since leaving ICP. I loved the time I got to spend with each child. Having three kids close together was a challenge and our middle daughter really treasured having me in her class. She called it “Mommy special time”. I have put to good use the tools I gained as a parent through the parent education program.
When a job opening became available at ICP, I jumped at the chance. I wanted to be involved in this program I loved and had so benefitted our family. I wanted to be a part of passing on that experience to other families. I have treasured my 10 years of teaching at ICP. I have loved watching these preschoolers grow and I have especially loved the connections with all the families. I feel truly honored to be a teacher and co-director at ICP!"